RUBiS Energy Bermuda announced the launch of the second “Fuelling 4 a Cause” promotion.
Mr. Graham Redford, Managing Director of RUBiS, said: “Residents may recall that last year, as part of RUBiS’ 10th Anniversary of operations in Bermuda, and in order to help celebrate that milestone, we decided to expand our normal charitable giving by developing a competition and promotion that financially benefitted 24 local not-for profits and charities and promoted the services that each provides.
“As a result of the positive feedback we received from our customers, and the charities themselves, we decided to once again support the community and have launched the second RUBiS Fuelling 4 a Cause promotion.
“The competition started earlier this year where we reached out to our employees, dealers and dealer’s staff and asked each of them to nominate their 5 favourite not-for-profits and charities. The results were collated and the top 24 charities were contacted and given the opportunity to submit a photo illustrating how RUBiS helps to get them going.”
All submissions were reviewed by a judging panel and twelve charities were selected to be featured as one of the twelve monthly images for our extremely popular 2018 calendar. Additionally, each of the twelve will have a featured tag day in the RUBiS Network during 2018, and will also participate in the ‘Fuelling 4 a Cause” promotion.”
Read full Bernews article here