The more fuel you purchase in a month increases chances and the value of the coupon. For example, If you purchase 301 litres in a month you are eligible for the $100 coupon draw. If you do not win a $100 coupon you are automatically eligible for the $50 coupon draw, and so on. If you purchase between 21 litres but less than 31 litres in a month you are eligible for the $5 coupon draw only.
360 Winners |
$5 Free Fuel Coupons drawn every month.
140 Winners |
$10 Free Fuel Coupons drawn every month.
56 Winners |
$20 Free Fuel Coupons drawn every month.
15 Winners |
$50 Free Fuel Coupons drawn every month.
1 Winner |
$100 Free Fuel Coupon drawn every quarter.
Redeemable at any RUBiS Station
Over $62,000 in FREE fuel every year! Over 6,750 Winners!