The recent fourth annual Rubis Warwick 5K Fun Walk/Run took place earlier in June to raise funds for new playground equipment at Paget Primary.
RUBiS Warwick Service Station is happy to announce that the fourth annual RUBiS Warwick 5K Fun Walk/Run went off with a bang, on June 3rd. Around four hundred participants, many of them children, had a fabulous morning, walking and running the 5-kilometre route, in support of the Paget Primary Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Generous support was provided by BGA Wholesalers, Pitt & Co., Barritt’s, Apex Physiotherapy, DJ Rusty G, and St. John Ambulance.
The funds raised by the event are earmarked for new playground equipment, for Paget Primary. The previous playground equipment, for the upper school students, was condemned for safety reasons and removed from the school property, earlier this school year.
Teddy Terceira, General Manager of RUBiS Warwick Service Station, was pleased to say: “We are very proud to have been able to host this event for the fourth time. This year, we chose to shift our benefit focus, while keeping the emphasis on Bermuda’s children. The Paget Primary PTA were great to work with – they are a strong school family and the students are well deserving of these funds.”
Previous editions of the event have benefitted Autism patients and Autism-awareness charities.
Chrystal Bean [P2 teacher], Michael Terceira [RUBiS Warwick Service Station], Erma Nisbett [Art teacher], Ted Terceira [RUBiS Warwick Service Station], Patrika Dill [PTA President], Alicia Swan [P3 teacher], and Idonia Beckles [Principal].
Graham Redford, Managing Director of RUBiS Energy Bermuda, said: “RUBiS was very happy to be able to once again partner with the Terceira family, operators of the RUBiS Warwick Service Station, to support this neighborhood initiative and raise much-needed funds for the Paget Primary PTA, and their goal of purchasing new playground equipment for the school.
An important part of children's play is learning to interact with other children - learning to share, negotiate, lead, follow, listen, collaborate, plan, imagine, and show affection. These are all qualities that are important for the character development of our Island’s youth and we were thrilled to be able to help.
The turn-out was fantastic and we would like to thank the other supporters and the many volunteers for their help in making this year’s event the most successful to date.”
Patrika Dill, Paget Primary PTA President, added: “The Paget Primary PTA thanks Teddy Terceira, of RUBiS Warwick Service Station, for choosing to partner with us. Mr. Terceira is an exemplary business man, who, through his actions, shows true commitment to our community. The impact of their generosity will be felt by hundreds of children, for years to come.
The support, hard work, and commitment of Paget Primary PTA’s Executive Members, principal, school staff, parents, students, and community members collectively ensured that the RUBiS Warwick 5K Fun Walk/Run was successful. We are so much closer to the financial goal required to purchase the needed playground equipment for our children because of you. Thank you!”
Mr. Terceira continued, “We have managed to raise more funds than ever before. People really got behind the cause – it was great to see. For their efforts to make the event a success, I would like to publicly thank RUBiS Energy Bermuda, our title sponsor, for the fourth year running, and our many raffle prize donors and event volunteers.”
The event and associated raffle draw raised $18,053.25. All proceeds go to the Paget Primary PTA’s playground equipment fund.