RUBiS Rewards
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Local Charities Share $35,000.00 from RUBiS Fuel Savers Calendar
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Rubis Rewards
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RUBIS Dowling’s Marine Service Station has been operated by the ultrafriendly and courteous descendants of the founder George Dowling Sr. for over 50 years. In addition to providing top-quality refueling for both auto and marine vehicles, Dowling’s gives back to the community, donating to organizations such as the St. George’s Foundation and PALS. 1 Penno’s Dr., St. George’s, 297-1914
Mrs. Flo Simons was the winner of Swizzle Inn's random draw, she won a dinner for 2. Jay Correia, President of The Swizzle Inn presenting the coupon.
School children will be able to enjoy another year of marine
conservation excursions, thanks to RUBiS Energy’s gift of a year’s worth
of diesel boat fuel to Bermuda Zoological Society.
It’s the second
year RUBiS has provided 12 months’ worth of boat fuel to operate
Endurance, the environmental education vessel owned and operated by the
support charity for Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo.
To read more and for photos click here for the Bernews article.
To read more and for photos click here for the Bermuda Sun article.
Two of Bermuda’s famous Pub & Restaurants have joined RUBiS Rewards this April offering instant savings to RUBiS Rewards members. Swizzle Inn Baileys Bay &Warwick locations is offering a Tuesday pizza special. The Docksider Pub & Restaurant is offering 25% off Sunday Tailgate BBQ meals.