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Local Charities Share $35,000.00 from RUBiS Fuel Savers Calendar
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Rubis Rewards
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The Ag Show executive announced that RUBIS has come on board as a sponsor for the 2017 Ag Show, which is set to take place at the Botanical Gardens over a three day period next month.
The Ag Show Executive Committee said, “The Ag Show executive are very pleased to announce that RUBIS has come on board as a sponsor for the 2017 Ag Show.
“They have undertaken to cover all the costs of producing our tickets, numbering about 25000, as well as offering to assist us with the promotion of this, Bermuda’s number one community event.
“We are all certainly delighted to have them join in with our other wonderful Sponsors in support of our efforts to keep this unique piece of Bermuda heritage alive.
RUBiS was pleased to be the Lead Sponsor for Marine Expo 2017. After the successful launch of Marine Expo in 2016, we were excited to be able to continue our partnership with BEDC, the Corporation of St George and the St. Georges Foundation. RUBiS is happy to support initiatives that drive business to the Town, bring the Community closer together, and celebrate our strong maritime heritage.
The first of ten “Fuelling 4 a Cause” tag days, raising cash for charity, has been held by St. George’s Preparatory School PTA.
The “Fuelling 4 a Cause” campaign began last summer to celebrate RUBiS’ 10th anniversary of operations in Bermuda, and will continue throughout this year with more tag days.
The fundraiser began with an invitation to 24 local charities and not-for-profit organisations to participate in a photo contest.
Twelve winners of the contest now appear in the RUBiS Calendar. However, the remaining 12 charities have been offered the opportunity to hold a special tag day during 2017 at one or more of the RUBiS service stations in order to raise funds for their respective organisation.
Read full Royal Gazette article here
The Bermuda Economic Development Corporation [BEDC], along with title sponsor RUBIS Energy Bermuda, will host the second annual St. George’s Marine Expo on Sunday, April 23 from 11.00am to 6.00pm.
The Marine Expo 2017 is an event “created to showcase the many businesses, organizations and opportunities involved in Bermuda’s Marine Industry.”
The Expo encourages activity in the town by targeting boating and marine enthusiasts from across the island, with a small committee consisting of representatives from BEDC, Bermuda Yacht Services and the Corporations of St George working hard to make this event an annual success.
BEDC Economic Development Officer for St. George’s Ray Lambert said, “Last year’s Event was a huge success. We had 52 Businesses and organizations participate, and over 3,000 attendees. We really appreciate the support of our sponsors and are very encouraged by the interest shown thus far by the marine community.
“Ordnance Island is an excellent venue for the Expo and we look forward to making this another great event.”
Read more of the Bernews article here
RUBiS is pleased to report on the overwhelming success of the “Fuelling 4 a Cause” competition which gave twelve (12) lucky charities over $32,000 in total in donations, and an additional twelve charities the opportunity to host tag days through the RUBiS network of service stations.
The Fuelling 4 a Cause concept was initiated to celebrate RUBiS’ 10th Anniversary of operations in Bermuda. Between September and November 2016, RUBiS donated 5¢/gallon of fuel sold to twelve (12) selected charities, who were the finalists of a photo contest held earlier in the year to see who would be featured in the 2017 RUBiS Calendar.
Whenever a customer made a fuel transaction during the above dates, the RUBiS Rewards machine issued a special document which contained a unique code to enable the customer to vote for their favourite charity. Customers were directed by the document to visit the RUBiS website and use the unique code on the document to validate and cast their vote.
At the end of the promotion, the total funds raised were then split based on the number of votes each charity received. Each charity was on hand to accept their awards at a presentation hosted by RUBiS on Friday, January 27th, 2017.
The charities included were; Bermuda Diabetes Association, Bermuda Olympic Association, Bermuda Red Cross, Bermuda Sloop Foundation, Bermuda Zoological Society, The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bermuda, The Coalition for the Protection of Children, The Duke of Edinburgh International Bermuda, SCARS, St. John’s Ambulance Bermuda, Warwick Academy and WindReach.
Read more: $32,000 plus awarded to 2016 Fuelling 4 a Cause Charities
Donations from Mrs. Diana Bergquist, the Stempel Foundation, Clarien Bank, Somers Isle Shipping and RUBiS.
A long-time benefactor of BZS’s free conservation education programmes, Mrs. Bergquist kindly decided to make a considerable donation towards the purchase of a new boat for the BZS to celebrate her birthday this year.
Her gift was matched by the family’s Stempel Foundation allowing the BZS to purchase the custom-built Beachcat from Florida and have it delivered to the island.
In addition, Clarien Bank generously gave a large financial donation for the additional equipment needed for the boat, Somers Isle Shipping provided in-kind support by assisting with the importation of the vessel, and RUBiS continued their annual commitment by donating fuel for the MV Endurance, the BAMZ bus and added Callista.
Read more here:
[From left to right] Graham Redford, Neil Stempel, George Butterfield, Diana Bergquist, Dr. Ian Walker, Dr. Jamie Bacon, Colin Brown, Michael DeCouto